Hi, received the Microfiber Cloth yesterday in the mail and wanted to thank you for sending it. However I do not thank you for all the work I did today............That darn cloth is awesome. I was just going to check it out and ended up doing all 30 of our windows. Now I wish I had a couple more so my family can help me with the work. However with the cloth it doesn't seem like work. Thank you.
Debbie Lacourse of New Ulm, MN
Wonderful Product - Buying 3rd set today - First two sets still in use after 2 years. I have tossed less unusable food over those two years.
- Carol N. from Burnsville, MN
Love them!! Lettuce Lasts twice as long!
- Karen from Minnetonka, MN
I bought the two sets, my wife did not like anything I bought at these home shows, we put in bananas and now she is a believer.
- Nick From Minneapolis, MN
Love ours. Bought more as gifts for friends.
- Jay & Diane Dandron from Hudson, WI.
To our Friends at KP2000,
I can't begin to tell you how much we love our KP2000. Slicing, grating, mixing, you name it. We are so happy with the time we save. Everything we process is perfect. The 1st day we made 1/2 gal. of Peco Deguyo (sp?), 1/2 gal. Coleslaw, 1 full gal. of Refrigerator Pickles! All in little to no time. And the clean up is a snap. These are truly a kitchen miracle. Thank goodness we bought three. Our 2 daughters both love theirs as we do ours.
Once again, thank you!
Mike and Mary Milbrath, North Mankato - MN.
May 29, 2002
Dear Sirs,
This is a testimonial letter of praise for your By-Pass Extension Lopper. I cannot sing it's praises enough!
I bought one of your Ratchet Loppers at the Flower and Garden show in Chicago in March, and I now consider it to be one of the best investments I ever made!
Not only am I able to trim branches and limbs I couldn't reach before, but ones I could not cut at all before. I have even been able to trim my hedge which had overgrown to 15 and 20 feet down to 6 feet all by myself! That's pretty good since I'm an out of shape 58 year old lady! I couldn't have done that without the Ratchet Lopper. I would have had to hire it done. It has saved me more money than I paid for it by far.
To whoever invented it, and to your company for selling it, I extend many, many thank yous for this wonderful tool. I love it!
Sincerely,Ann Kohl from Cedar Rapids, IA.
August 29, 2005
Hi there,
I went to the MN. State Fair in 1997 - I went through the vendor building with all of the demonstrations and stuff and came across this mop - I was looking at each of the demos as likely being a set up and I was sure the products would not work as displayed.
Something about the PVA Mop demonstration made me sit through the whole thing - I actually began to think it was a cool mop, so I talked my wife into buying one - I got 1 full mop and 4 additional PVA mopheads - she thought I was crazy ( I kind of thought so myself at the time) until we got home and tried it out - needless to say it was EXACTLY like it was at the state fair demo.
Now it is 2005 and we have been using our last mop head for a long time now and the mop handle has been duct taped more than once (holy cow. I've been using the same mop for 8 years now!) - we tried buying just the nicest mop "Target" and "Walmart" sold to replace it, but always ended up getting the old PVA out of the closet instead - even in the torn up condition it was in, it was still WAY better than the regular mops.
The mop didn't have any markings on it ( I lost my information sheet that came with it) and I had no idea where to buy another one - a friend of mine happened to be at the state fair today and I immediately thought of this mop - I made him go to the other side of the fairgrounds until he found out some way to get a new one - he was shocked at how much I wanted something as weird as a mop so I told him the full story - how often do 2 guys start talking about how cool their mop is?
He found your booth and got me a replacement mop handle and a few mop heads - the people he was with overheard our conversation and got one too - I have no doubts that they will be amazed.
So anyways - thanks for making and selling a mop like this - owning this is definitely stress relieving - I never have to worry about my kitchen floor being a chore.
I now have your business card and website information - when I wear these mop heads out I will be making a trip into Hopkins to get more - I don't know what your production capacity is like, but you could sell a ton of these in a "Walmart" or "Target" - I bet they would sell faster than you could make them.
Chris Ham, Minneapolis, MN d a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.